Tim & Pam Strickland Family Blog

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

2016 Strickland Quotes of the Year

2016 Strickland Family Quotes of the Year

It's the most wonderful time of the year! It's the season when we can reflect on the most meaningful gift of all: the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It's also the time when we share our Strickland Family Christmas Video (we went with a mannequin challenge theme this year) and ... drumroll please ... our 2016 Quotes of the Year! These are actual verbatim quotes, captured in the moment by alert observers. We hope you enjoy!

With love,

Tim and Pam Strickland and family

Science Guise
Time, space, distance, location, and other inexact sciences.

"If they're anywhere, I know where that would be. But I don't know where that is." – Cati

"I don't think it's what I think it is." – Pam

"By the way, I saw what's-her-face at that one place." – Megan

"Mom, where have you been all my life?" – Cati

"It's been temporarily immortalized." – Tim

"If I didn't know what it said, I don't think I'd know what it said." – Pam

Tabby: "Do I have to stand?"
Tim: "No."
Tabby: "Thank you, because my arm hurts."

"Our gas is electric, right?" – Pam

"Tabby said there's a Pokemon in the house. I feel like I have to get dressed." – Pam

Ah, Romance
How refined and elegant is the heart in love …

"Girlfriends and the mafia: They have so much in common." – Pam

"Sometimes when I'm bored, I look up serial killers on tumblr." – Megan

"You're so cute when you're vicious." – Nate

"I got your lips in my lips." – Jack

Zac: "She has dated a goatee once."
Tim: "Was it attached to anything?"
Zac: "Nope, the goatee just floated around talking smack and punching babies. She says I'm a marked improvement."

"If looks could kill, that would be a huge threat to our society." – Nate

"Thank you for not killing anyone important. Best Valentine's present ever." – Cati

The Animal Kingdom
Arachnophobia and other forms of entertainment.

Pam: "SPIDER! He's got me in his sights!"
Tim: "On my way!"
Pam: "Bring a flaming broom!"
Tim (arriving): "Where is it?"
Pam (pointing): "Right there!"
Tim: "Where? You mean that little smudge on the wall?"

Tim: "I herd cats."
Pam: "What do you mean, you heard cats?"
Nate: "Mom didn't hear it right."
Tim: "She heard 'heard'?"
Nate: "Yeah, I heard 'heard' too."
Pam: "What did you say?"
Tim: "I herd cats."

Megan: "How many kids do you want once you're a mom?"
Aubrey (5 years old): "I want one thousand!"
Megan: "Have you ever thought about getting an ant farm?"

Pam: "That spider is huge! And what's with that cobweb? Is he getting ready to have a million babies?"
Tim: "If HE is, it would be a miracle."

"We have tumbleweeds of fur rolling through the kitchen." – Tim

"Someday I hope I have a boyfriend who looks at me the same way you look at Bolt." – Tabby

First Things First
We definitely have our priorities straight.

"If you kill Dad, you owe me a backrub." – Pam

"I can't marry someone if they don't use their blinker." – Tabby

"I'm so stinkin' proud! My son is above average on Twitter." – Tim

"You have to have a defeatist attitude. Otherwise, you'll be depressed and never get anything done." – Zac

Tim: "Uh oh. I'm almost out of deodorant."
Pam: "What? You're never out of deodorant."
Tim: "I know. But I have a shipment arriving tomorrow."

No Pain, No Gain
Adversity and how to enjoy it.

Nate: "That hurts."
Tim: "You're welcome."
Nate: "Why do you get pleasure out of my misery?"
Tim: "Because I'm a dad."
Nate: "That's awful!"
Tim: "When you're a dad, you'll understand."

"You didn't get the wrong things right." – Nate

"There are so many great parts, and they're all horrible." – Nate

Pam: "See, that's why I stopped checking Twitter."
Tim: "Because people keep tweeting?"
Pam: "Yeah!"

"I have a scab on my knee that looks like America." – Cati

Culinary Cravings
With apologies to Jack Kerouac: It ain’t whatcha eat. It’s the way atcha eat it.

"I ate it with my mouth." – Megan

"I'm basically shoveling hot trash into my mouth." – Jack

"Sometimes, I stick my foot in my mouth when all I wanted was food." – Zac

Zac: "I don't really like grits."
Tim: "You've failed me as a son."
Zac: "What about all those nice things you said yesterday about me and my accomplishments?"
Tim: "The grits thing changes everything."

Tabby: "I think you need some greens."
Tim: "I ate a green vitamin."

"Daisy, I'm hungry. And I'm Asian." – Jack, with his dog

"I've learned not to personify the things I put in my mouth." – Zac

Fine Art
Refinement. Culture. Zombies.

Tim: "You're crimping my artistic creativity. That's censorship."
Pam: "If you're gonna do a comb-over, then I'm gonna censor it. With scissors, if necessary."
Tim: "You're gonna deface art?"

Pam: "What's a fretless guitar?"
Tim: "It's a guitar that ain't worried 'bout nothin'."

Cati: "My favorite shows are The Bachelor, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, and The Walking Dead."
Tim: "What is it with you and reality shows?"

Polite Society
’Cause we’re good at mindin’ our manners and such-like.

"Why are you putting your phone in my armpit?" – Jack

"I read a lot of constipation facts today." – Megan

Megan: “My thumb smells like armpit. Who wants to smell it?”
Zac: *sniffs* “It's not a very strong armpit.”
Megan: “It's a VERY strong armpit!”
Zac: “It's not stronger than MY armpit!”

"You walked right through my burp cloud." – Jack

"I like your tie. It reminds me of carpet." – Tabby

Tim: "Hey Nate, are you on drugs yet?"
Nate: "I'm about to be."
Tim: "Yay!"

"I refuse to acknowledge your valid points." – Zac

"It's the land of the free and we're gonna destroy some cars." – Megan

Nate: "I don't want to shave every day."
Tim: "Then you shouldn't have been born with such a manly face."

"I am the captain of my nostrils." – Tim

"I can't wait for Nate to get his eyebrows waxed." – Tabby

Dazzlin' Dialogue
Witty repartee and other forms of monosyllabic grunting.

Pam: "Who wrote that? Because you didn't."
Nate: "How do you know I didn't write it?"
Pam: "Because I can read it."

Pam: "When people ask me why I talk to myself …”
Pam: “I tell them it's because I'm a good conversationalist.”
Pam: “Other people get to talk to me …”
Pam: “So why shouldn't I?"

Tabby: "Yay! Tabby and Nate bonding time! Tell me about what's going on in your life, bud!"
Tabby: *Turns car radio up all the way*

Tabby: "C'mon, it's not like you were born driving."
Cati: "Are you kidding? I drove myself home from the hospital."

Cati: "We go through milk so fast! What are we gonna do when we have kids?”
Jack: "Buy a cow."

Cati: "Who was your favorite kid?"
PaPa: "Well, the neighbors had a goat named Randolph ..."

"I'm just talking aloud." – Megan

Jack: "Do you know what that back of a plane is called? It's an empennage."
Cati: "An espionage?"
Jack: "No, an empennage."
Cati: "An empanada?"
Jack: "No! An empennage!"
Cati: "I'm an espionage empanada."

Goin’ on a long boat ride gives life a fresh perspective.

Cati: "I almost forgot to pack my prescriptions."
Jack: "Oh man, I would have jumped off the boat."

"These are the people I'll have to eat, and they don't look very tasty." – Jack

When Friends Have Babies
All about infants and other alien life forms.

"Her body, like, made eyeballs!" – Cati

"It moved!" – Jack, holding a newborn baby for the first time

"Babies should always be made homemade." – Jack

"You're already making fun of your grandson, and he doesn't even exist yet." – Cati

"Let's name our kids after cars. Our daughter can be named Ferrari." – Jack

Megan: "You lived with us for six months? I thought it was nine."
Tabby: "It may have felt like a pregnancy, but not quite."


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