Tim & Pam Strickland Family Blog

Thursday, December 21, 2017

2017 Strickland Family Quotes of the Year

2017 Strickland Family Quotes of the Year

In keeping with our tradition, we're proud to present the 2017 Strickland Family Quotes of the Year! These are actual verbatim quotes, captured in the moment throughout the year. Enjoy!

And as always at this sacred time of year, we express our gratitude and appreciation for the reason for the season -- the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. May you be blessed with peace and joy during the holidays and throughout the coming year. Merry Christmas!

Brainpower or Bust
We're the driving force of the intelligence community.

"I know words." – Jack

"I'm not sure what happens when that happens." – Pam
"If I didn't know what it was, I might not know what it is." – Tim

“That's probably why you couldn't understand me -- because I'm not wearing my glasses." – Pam

Tim: "I thought he was Dutch, but it says he's from The Netherlands."
Nathan: "Huh. And I heard he was from Holland."

"I know the reason for it, but I don't know the reason for the reason." – Papa

"I believe me." – Pam

"I thought I didn’t know what I thought." – Megs
"I gotta read them all to make sure I can read them all." – Pam

Venus and Mars
All about genders and other alien life forms.

Pam: "My cervix is really low."
Tabby: "I don't want to hear about your cervix." *runs from room*
Cati: "Does she know she has one too?"

Tim: "Oops! I just ate women's vitamins."
Pam: "You’re gonna get man-boobs."

"Men have no say. They had their chance and they blew it." – Nathan

 "I wanted to see how I'd look with a goatee. It's growing on me." – Tim

"Dad, can we call Verizon and switch over my cervix?" – Megs

Sensory Supremacy
With cameos by various body parts.

"I smell too many things." – Nathan

"I couldn't hear what I was hearing." – Pam

"He's verbally color blind." – Pam

"I think I found my cry holes." – Megs

"I should listen to myself." – Pam

"I don't like arms." – Tabby

"A hand would be handy." – Pam

Artful Elegance
With classy creative talents like this, who needs Rembrandt?

Pam: "Look at that chicken scratch."
Tim: "What? That's my GOOD chicken scratch."
"I was dancing to a song stuck in my head that I've never actually heard." – Nathan

 "I love pronouns. They're precious to me now." – Pam

 "I'm surrounded by artsy people in this family. Like a goat among the deer." – Tim

Murder and Mayhem
Life, death, and other pastimes.

Cati: "Have you heard of those women who marry like 27 men and kill them all for the life insurance?"
Jack: "Yeah. Why?"
Cati: "You're allergic to amoxicillin, right?"
"No stabbing on Christmas." – Tim
"This is my coolest injury ever." – Cati

 "All my body parts are in that corner." – Nathan

 "Who knew that murder could be such great exercise?" – Tim

 "I'm sorry I squished your eyeball." – Cati

Times Are Tough
Adversity and how to enjoy it.

Kirsta: Ow! Ow!
Zac: What happened?
Kirsta: My foot got stabbed by this piece of paper, and it really hurt!
Zac: ... piece … of … paper … ?

"I got my eyebrows too dark. My life is over." – Megs

 "I just hurt my own feelings." – Pam

 "The first aid kit is in this cupboard, in case you die or need a band-aid." – Tabby

 "Dad's making my hair feel insecure." – Tabby

 "I broke the gas station." – Pam

 "I've been in the dark my whole life the past two days." – Megs

 "I'm sorry about your skeleton." – Tim

 "Oh no. I look like a hipster." – Nathan

 "I pretended I was asleep, because, social interaction." – Megs

Animal House
This place is going to the dogs. And cats. And ... squirrels?

"Just pulled out my phone to text my dogs that I was headed home and realized I need professional help." – Cati
"I think Heavenly Father would allow a temple divorce if the husband ate the family dog." – Kirsta

Tim: "Why are you acting like an animal?"
Bolt: *wags tail*
"When Dad's not here, I get to be the human." – Pam
Kirsta: *making scared noises in her sleep*
Zac: *full of concern, wakes Kirsta up*
Kirsta: “I was having a bad dream!”
Zac: “I know, sweetie. What was it about?”
Kirsta: “Mice!”
Zac: *rolls over and goes back to sleep*
"I feel passionate about the word 'squirrel.'" – Nathan
Neither Here Nor There
So … let me see … where was I?
"Are you somewhere?" – Tabby

"There's something on top of my head."
*feels head*
"It's my hair." -- Kirsta
Jack: “Where’s Tillamook?”
Cati: “I think it’s on the way to Seaside.”
Tabby: “Yeah, that’s usually where it is.”
"This place is crowded with absent people." – Tim
"We were there first. We got there right after they did." – Tim
Love, Loquaciously
Romance and other mental illnesses.

Cati: "Will you paint a picture of me on your car?"
Jack: "No, that's so gross."
"I was up there looking at men in their underwear with my binoculars." – Pam
"Who needs a love triangle when you can have a love dodecahedron?" – Nathan
Zac: "I saved you!"
Kirsta: "Thank you!"
Zac: "Now get your hair out of my face."
"I'm allowed to have a crush on my brother in law." – Zac
"Did you just break up with someone through cake?" – Nathan
Kirsta: "I'm turning into my Dad!"
Zac: "Well, don't do that. I don't find your Dad very cute."
Zac: "Will you marry me?"
Kirsta: "Yes."
Conversational Classics
With dialogue like this, who needs script writers?

Pam: “What's wrong with talking to myself?”
Pam: “You get to talk to me.”
Pam: “Why shouldn't I get to talk to me?"
Pam: "Does it tell you how to pronounce it?"
Nathan: "Nope."
Pam: "Does it tell you how to pronounce it?"
Nathan: "No."
Pam: "Does it tell you how to pronounce it?"
Nathan: "No. Nope nope nope."
Pam: "Does it tell you how to pronounce it?"
Nathan: "MOM. I just told you, 'No,' like five times!"
Pam: "Well, I wasn't sure if you were talking to me!"
Nathan: *stares at Pam incredulously*
Pam: "What?"
Tim: "Oh my goodness. OH MY GOODNESS!"
Pam: "Is that a bad goodness?"
Tim: "No, it's a good goodness."
Kirsta: "It's the International Peace Gardens."
Cati: "International what Gardens?"
Zac: "Peas, like the fruit."

Family Finesse
It takes togetherness to be this smooth.

"Dad, I'm gonna sue you for custody of myself." – Nathan

"I can't tell you how weird it was to go lingerie shopping for my brother." – Cati

“Our family is so Tumblr.” – Nathan

"We're not even trying. We really are this weird." – Tim

Laws of Nature
Our contributions only set science back a century or so.

"Dirt makes things look dirty." – Tim

"I mean, I haven't died yet in my life, so chances are I'm immortal." – Nathan

"I was Skyping someone who was Skyping someone who was Facetiming someone." – Nathan

Kirsta: "This is where we saw the dog."
Tim: "The one that says 'moo,' the one that says 'neigh,' or the one that says 'baa'?"

Culinary Catastrophe
Dinner is served. Taste buds optional.

"I like long toenails. It's something to eat if we go hungry." – Jack

Tim: "Cati and I were wondering why there's a blanket in the oven."
Pam: "Its mine. I'm making yogurt."

Tim: "Mom and I recommend that you experiment with going without any dairy products for about two weeks."
Zac: "But .... but .... dairy rocks yo."
Tim: "Do you want to chow down on udderly delicious stuff, or do you want breathing and energy?"
Zac: "All right. Cheeseburgers it is."
Tim: "CHEESE IS DAIRY. Strangely, beef is not dairy."
Zac: "This is fishy."
Tim: "Don't be chicken. Ditch the dairy."