Tim & Pam Strickland Family Blog

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

2018 Strickland Family Quotes of the Year

2018 Strickland Family Quotes of the Year

Hey there! Feeling the post-Christmas blues? Well, here's a great way to cheer up: 

Continuing our family tradition, we are proud (or maybe embarrassed) to present our 2018 Strickland Family Quotes of the Year! These are actual comments, captured in the moment and now published on this blog for all the world to see. There's plenty of blackmail material in here ... not that we're trying to give anyone any ideas ...


With much love,

The Tim and Pam Strickland Family

Elite Intelligence
Because we have brains and other handicaps.

"What's that thing? You know, where you can't remember things?" – Tim

"I've got brains I ain't even used yet." – Papa

"Big packages come in small packages." – Tabby

"The long answer is no. But the short answer is yes." – Zac

“What was Hitler’s name?” – Tabby

Tim: "I think I just invented a new game! Ping pong, but you play it on the floor and it's bigger so you can hit it harder."
Megan: "Dad … it's called tennis."

“I want you or Zac to have a baby so I can be a niece.” – Tabby

"I keep losing my face." – Pam

“It was enough of a difference to make a difference.” – Nathan

"I am somewhere." – Pam

"I guess when they're not open, they're closed." – Pam

Pam: “I have five cards. How many do you have? Four?”
Nathan: “No, I have five.”
Mom: “Oh, I have five cards?”

Low Technology
Finding our way in the modern world.

"I'm pretty sure the computer is out to get us." – Nathan

"I need selfie lessons." – Pam

"It wasn't a typo. It was an audio-o." -- Cati

"Neil Armstrong invented the moonwalk." – Nathan

Nathan: “Who's John Glenn?”
Cati: “Are you kidding me? You're literally wearing a NASA shirt.”

"Buttons can be snappy, if they snap." – Nathan

Cati: *on phone call* "Are you OK? You got quiet."
Tim: "Couldn't you hear me nodding?"

"Oooh, headphones! And they're the ones with the ears!" – Kirsta

"I believe my bank account when it tells me things." – Nathan

"Social media give so many opportunities for people to feel superior to others. For US, it's because we ARE." – Pam

"We went from Jesus to memes in about five minutes. That pretty much sums up Gen Z." – Nathan

Tabby: "What does government shutdown mean?"
Tim: "It means the government is inept and parts of it are morally bankrupt."
Tabby: "I thought it meant the electricity went out."

Kirsta: "Our old washer died."
Zac: "The one time I tried to use it, it died upon contact."
Kirsta: "We bought a new one with a three-year warranty. So now he can kill it and we’ll just get a new one for free."

Essentials of Elegance
It’s not easy to be this classy.

"Hey everybody! Come smell me!" – Tim

"Nice people annoy me." – Cati

"We visited Ireland, and Pam took an artsy photo of vegetarian roadkill." – Tim

"I just can't wait to watch this bad movie." – Zac

"Excuse me ma'am, I'm going to button your bottom." --- Tim

"I can't watch you people eating out of diapers." – Nathan

"I even remembered to bring my deodorant. I just forgot that I remembered it." – Nathan

"They're so nerdy. But I'm OK with that, because it means I'm cool." – Cati

Kirsta: “We totally went to the Festival of Trees last year.”
Zac: “Pretty sure I didn't.”
Kirsta: “We totally did! Just wait until we get there!”
*at the festival of trees*
Zac: “I have never been at an event like this in my life.”
Kirsta: *checks phone album* “Never mind.”

The Natural World
Beastly buffoonery and the outlandish outdoors.

Cati: "Send me your worst irrational fears."
Kirsta: "Spiders. Any kind of spider. Even the little ones that people say are cute. They're not. They're demons and they will DIE if they are found in my house."
Zac: "Ice cream trucks."

"My husband follows a dog on Twitter." – Pam

Meg: "Marley was terrified of me last night."
Tim: "Why?"
Meg: "I think she's not used to seeing me move."

"From our cottage, we have a great view of local cows! And the Atlantic Ocean." – Tim

“I don’t body-shame marsupials.” -- Nathan

"It'll be the cutest little tiny giant sequoia you've ever seen." – Megan

Pam: "I love to look up in this tree. The branches are so gnarly."
Tim: "Yeah, and the trunk is totally tubular."

"I almost commented 'she is the cutest dog ever' on the picture you posted, but then I changed it because I was worried Bolt would see it and it would hurt his feelings." – Mom

“You can’t demote me from picking up dog poop.” – Tabby

"Georgia is hot, bug-filled, and there are trailer parks everywhere. It's the best!" – Tabby

"You're such a good boy. You're just a bad boy." – Pam

Visionary Vestiges
Because seeing is believing … except when it isn’t.

"I saw it, but I didn't see it." – Tim

"I don't see what I'm seeing." – Pam

“Is that a real child? I thought it was a Halloween decoration.” – Tabby

"I didn't recognize me." – Papa

Violent Tendencies
Life, death, and other pastimes.

Zac: "How'd you afford this? Did you kill someone?"
Nathan: "Well, it wasn't related to this."

"If you ever die from something that's not related to your mental health, I'm gonna kill you." – Cati

"I learned a lot from the training, like how to not die." – Tabby

"If I die, I will sue." – Nathan

"How come Tabby got to die of coziness?" – Cati

Tim: "How's the new job going?”
Kirsta: "I smelled decomposing bone today, so that was cool.”

"When I do home-maintenance projects, I have three ingredients for success: music, caffeine, and no witnesses." – Tim

Cati: "Day 4 of the semester and I am already half dead."
Pam: "Yay! You are at least half alive!"
Cati: "MOM! That means I'm essentially a zombie."

It’s All Relative
Family togetherness and other challenges.

"I just got a little more pregnant." – Megan

"Is he pregnant?" – Pam

"I would never leave you. But I am leaving you." – Tabby

"I don't know if she was awake when I woke her up." – Nathan

"What I tell myself is, 'Pretend like you're a dude.'" – Tim

“My freaking dad hugs nuns all the time and rubs it in my face!” – Nathan

"Nathan's shoulders have more rhythm than my entire body." – Tim

"You're so sweet to watch me clean your toilet." -- Mom 

Nathan: "Dad, you're going deaf."
Tim: "What?" 

Cati: "Zac and Kirsta love the Oxford comma."
Tim: "I'm questioning my entire parental legacy."

Megan: "Does your aux cord have a dongle?"
Mom: "Is that appropriate?"

Papa: "If I put my dictionary on the top shelf, what do I have?"
Tim: "I give up."
Papa: "High definition!"

Tim: "I distinctly heard an ooga-booga."
Pam: "That wasn't an ooga-booga. It was an ugga-mugga."

Zac: "Dad, I like this look you've got going on today."
Tim: "Mom said earlier that I'm cute, so you two must have the same taste in men."

Tim: "It's cool that we both have such good taste in siblings."

Tim: "You're only 50 years old ... wait ... 51?"
Pam: "Something like that. I'm of an age."

Kirsta: "I think we're all feeling slap-happy."
Zac: "That's it. I'm gonna start slapping happy people."

Merry Misery
Adversity and how to enjoy it.

"My sneezes have been attacking me." – Megan

"Apparently I'm allergic to sneezes." – Tim

"I hurt myself waking up." – Pam

“Don’t demean my snuggie.” – Nathan

Megan: "Aaaargh!"
Pam: "What happened?"
Megan: "My cup startled me."
“I smell too many things.” -- Nathan

"I sure will miss pants." – Tabby

"I gave my testimony today in sacrament. So scary. I kept having to burp." – Tabby

"Fifteen-year-old me is rolling around in her grave." – Megan

"I'm more bloated than a bloaterboat." – Pam

"My almond looks like a sleeping bunny. I could sell it on eBay."
*moments later …*
"Oh no! I ate the bunny!"
– Pam

"When I put on clean socks, they immediately become three weeks dirty." – Zac

"These shoes are on their last legs." – Nathan

"I'm gonna restock the homeless shelters." – Nathan

"I'm defrosting my face right now." – Megan

Tim: "Oh my gosh!"
Pam: "What's wrong with your gosh?"

"Alyssa doesn't know Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood and I'm not sure how to survive going forward until she's seen it." – Nathan

"Behold, my bodily aroma doth offend me." – Tim

"I’m worried about that sneeze. It felt juicy." – Zac

"A baby spit on me today. It was so cute." – Tabby

Culinary Class
We accept no responsibility for any suffering experienced by your taste buds.

“I never wanted meat to come out of my nose.” – Nathan

"I want my hair to have whatever that toe ate." – Pam

"French fries dipped in mashed potatoes are beautiful." – Zac

"Chocolate-covered chocolate is the thing." – Papa

"Meanwhile, I was blissfully growing a crop of potatoes in my cupboard." – Tim

“Do you even KNOW the anatomy of a walnut?” – Nathan

Kirsta: “I think I'm done with this food. Do you want any of this?”
Zac: “Nah, I'm good.”
Kirsta: “You sure? Because I'm about to put trash on it.”
Zac: “Yeah, go ahead.”
*Kirsta puts trash on the plate*
Zac: “Wait!”


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